From Welfare to CEO…The Dream of a Better Future.


How do you go from food stamps to CEO in seven years? You have to make a leap. My journey is one of faith, hard work, support from mentors, friends, and family, and the power to reimagine myself and dream of a better future.

The things I learned on this journey early in my life helped mold me into the person I am today.  I never set out to be a CEO or run companies, all I wanted was a better life.  I wanted to be self reliant and be able to provide for my family.  The things I learned on my journey has enabled me to make many leaps in my life. I have leapt from the military to the private sector to start-up ventures to non-profit work. I have leapt into new educational pursuits with vastly different backgrounds.  These skills transcend industry and once developed can be used in every endeavor of life.

I know that the hope for a better future and faith is what fueled me to work hard and stay focused as I worked to provide a better life for my family. I know my prayers were answered and I have been blessed far beyond what I deserve. I also know that many people are facing similar challenges today like I did as they dream for a better future whether it be finding a job, advancing in their career, or launching a new life as an entrepreneur.

In the challenging economic times that people face today, I feel that encouragement is needed more than ever and the things I learned are of high practical value for anyone navigating tough times and looking to make the leap to a better life. That is why I felt compelled to write the book The Leap: Launching Your Full-Time Life in This Part-Time World.

Maybe you are a millennial potentially entering the work force with student loan debt and looking for full-time work in an economy that has been stagnate at best since the 2007 crisis. You could be late in your career wondering if you can afford to retire and looking for ways to extend your career or start a new career. I hope my story and advice will be an encouragement to you. You are why I wrote this book. Every story from the host of experts I interviewed and all the resources I gathered was done to help you in your journey. Each chapter highlights key principles needed to achieve success regardless of your circumstances. I know this works because I lived it.

I believe that hope for a better future is the critical element in improving our lives. This is why I recently wrote the article Economies Thrive On Hope Not Jealousy because I feel the recent narrative in the news and politics has turned divisive pitting one person against another, fostering envy, and acting as if more entitlements and aid is how to end poverty. As a person who has first hand experience regarding this, I believe this is turning the dialogue in the wrong direction and that we should be talking about policies that help with income mobility and helping people move out of poverty and into self sustaining careers.

This website is not intended to tackle political issues. I will leave that for the politicians but since I have a very real experience with this particular issue I had to weigh in and give my perspective. I hope you find the content and dialogue at this site helpful to you on your journey whether you are taking the leap to advance your career or you are thinking about starting a side business as an intrepreneur or becoming a full-time entrepreneur. I hope to provide you valuable insight from experts, advice from many mentors I respect, and practical tools and resources to help you on your journey.

If you would like to stay informed of new posts on this site please sign up for our e-mail list.  You will get notified when I post something new and in the coming months I will be providing free e-books and resources for those members on our e-mail list.  To receive these free resources sign up at this link.

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Robert Dickie III

I am the CEO and Co-Founder of Bonvera. As a married father of six, I still find time to be a Spartan Race enthusiast, author, and lifelong learner passionate about continuous improvement and helping others!

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